Nanotech activity
In 2010 I joined the world-renowned Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy, to work on nanofabrication and magneto-optic spectroscopy of semiconductors and graphene in the NEST Laboratory. I recognized that the footprint of nanotechnology was bound to impress the next future in devices and market, and I learnt how to fabricate nano-devices in clean room environment with state-of-the-art techniques.
They range from quantum dots (the building blocks of quantum computing) to graphene and even to semiconductor-based artificial replicas of graphene, in order to customize innovative devices for touch-screens or energy storage, among the others.
I presented the obtained results at international conference and published two papers while others are in preparation.
I have been recently nominated responsible person for the magneto-optics laboratory, and I was also responsible for the characterization of graphene-based hybrid systems (i.e. graphene coupled to 2 Dimensional Electron Gases hosted in semiconductor quantum wells).
I am currently responsible for many advanced laboratory systems, such as Oxford cryostats (He3-He4 dilution refrigerator, He3-based cryogenics, etc.), Titanium:Sapphire laser system, triple spectrometers, etc.
I gained extensive clean-room experience, I can proficiently use advanced SEM and AFM/SNOM techniques to produce and characterize custom nanopatterns. I have hands-on experience on spin coating and dry and wet etching techniques to shape different kind of materials.